My Uncle David was the best. I had my first memories at 3 years old of returning from Malaysia after my father was killed and we came to live with Nana and Danda and Uncle David. He was probably 20 years old and he used to take me for walks up Water and he and Danda would teach me to draw in Tuf shoe box lids! I even remember the pens he bought me. He would take me to the shop over the road to get sweets and later I would go by myself to get something for me and always a quarter of Midget Gems for him. He was so full of fun and always joking and playing tricks. He was very creative making games and puzzles out of wood. My Nana would get cross with him as he would go to the pub and come back drunk! But he was only very young. A few years later he came to live temporarily at our house where he had a fold up bed in the dining room. I would sneak down when he came back from the pub and we would chat and laugh for hours. He was always happy talking about birds and walking in nature. We used to pore through my fashion catalogues and he would order always jeans and cords and mainly checked shirts. He used to love going out at the weekend and would ask me which outfit looked best. Later he grew fantastic Bonsais and made them into features. And growing amazing vegetables. He was a simple yet deep soul, very sensitive, shy and not very confident. Yet he had the kindest heart and was a proper Uncle. I will miss him dreadfully, as will everyone who knew him. God Bless Uncle David xxx